Suman Setty, PhD, MBBS

Title & Department

Associate Professor

Department of Department of Pathology

College of Medicine

Research Program

Cancer Biology (CB)

Phone: 312-996-3878


Dr. Suman Setty is an Associate Professor of Pathology at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine. Her service, teaching and research activities focus on kidney disease. She is the lead renal pathologist, evaluating transplant and native renal biopsy specimens.

Dr. Setty is also the Director of the Renal and Transplant Pathology Program, with the mission to conduct transplant pathology related activities, including inter-disciplinary seminars, quality assurance meetings and research. She teaches residents and fellows from pathology, nephrology, and transplant. She is the Director of the Clinical Immunohistochemistry Laboratory which provides immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization testing for the entire department.

Her research is directed at the extracellular matrix biology of kidney disease, with a view to elucidate the mechanisms of diabetic nephrology, in both native and transplanted kidneys. With these objectives in mind, she is working to develop innovative approaches using renal biopsy specimens and manipulation of 3-D cell cultures. In collaboration with Dr. Michael Walsh, of Pathology, she is also studying the spectral changes in diabetic tissue using Fourier-transformed infrared microscopy.


PhD, University of Minnesota

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